If you’re like me, in life, you value constants. Constants provide security and stability. Without constants in life, we tend to feel overwhelmed and sporadic. While life is full of ups and downs, your fitness doesn’t have to remain a random factor that fluctuates with the ebbs and flows of life.
I started with zero knowledge and very little confidence. Finding a routine that works for you through the ever changing moments of life can be daunting, but where there’s a will, there’s a way! It’s not about doing everything. Here, less is more! By removing things from your routine that hinder you, you’ll naturally create space for what helps you!
My keys to success have never been about filling my calendar with a bunch of to-do’s. It’s always been about proper rest, intentional training, and a balanced diet that propels my growth and development! This simple formula I learned changed my life, and I’m excited to share it with you!